The Body Never Forgets
The body is already aware of what it needs to heal.
What Kinesiology is able to do in a therapeutic sense, is to facilitate that information in order to aid that potent, profound and natural healing process.
Kinesiology is a non-invasive method, using precision muscle feedback and body awareness that can help you to reduce stress and pain, improve performance at school, work and home, in sports, in relationships, and promotes health and wellbeing.
Kinesiology helps one access the inner knowing and find again the power of choice in one’s life.
“Your body is designed to be healthy and balanced – Unlock the path to your potential”
Kinesiology is a complementary alternate healing therapy that assists the body with its natural ability to heal itself.
Kinesiology is a non-invasive, gentle healing experience. It uses muscle testing or monitoring to assess your mental/emotional, physical/structural and biochemical states. All these need to be in balance for your body to function at its peak capacity.
As Kinesiologists we have many techniques to assist the body to heal itself. When there is a blockage or stress preventing a smooth flow of energy through out the body, we are able to use muscle monitoring and other simple techniques to put the body back to its correct working order. Some manifestations of blockages can include; stress, physical pain, mental/emotional anguish, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, learning and behavioural difficulties.
There are many different forms of Kinesiology. We will assess you at the time of your appointment to see which is the best technique to suit you.
What is Kinesiology used for?
✔️Stress & Confusion
✔️Depressive tendencies
✔️Digestive disorders
✔️Fatigue & Tiredness
✔️Back problems
✔️Learning disabilities
✔️Allergic sensitivities
✔️Nervous disorders
✔️Sports injuries
✔️Personal development & Lifestyle enhancement
✔️General wellbeing
Muscle Monitoring accesses information often not available to the conscious mind.
How does it work?
A fundamental foundation of Kinesiology is that the body has an innate healing energy and is at all times doing its best to care for itself, but sometimes it needs to be helped into a better position to achieve this care.
Kinesiology also recognises that there are flows of energy within the body that relate not only to the muscles but to every tissue and organ that go toward making the body a living, feeling being. We need to uncover the hidden areas of our subconscious that are hanging onto old negative beliefs systems or memories.
These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of the muscles, which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of structural chemical or emotional balance.
In this way, Kinesiology taps into energies that the more conventional modalities overlook. Kinesiology looks beyond the symptoms. Kinesiology does not treat named diseases. Nor does it diagnose them. Kinesiology is concerned with imbalances in the body’s energy.
“Kinesiology is not limited to dealing with ailments. Energy balancing brings a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice ~ in sport, relationships, learning or coping with life in general.”
Why muscle testing?
Precision muscle monitoring techniques are applied to identify & correct energy blockages within the body. Always the answer is somewhere inside you. Muscle monitoring is a natural feedback system using an indicator muscle, which supplies information via nerve pathways and the meridian system of the brain and body.
Kinesiology bypasses conscious thinking processes to isolate causal factors in the subconscious, body, and etheric levels.
How will it benefit you?
Kinesiology aids the body and its natural drive to restore balance and health to your neurological and physiological function. When everything is functioning well in our system, we feel well. Therefore we are well.
By accessing your “internal being” using muscle monitoring, Kinesiology can be quite specific and can very quickly determine the best strategy or technique to re-instate the body’s balance.
Our “inner being” holds all our memories and information about physical, emotional, mental and energetic states. Checking for unlocking muscles can be an indicator that stress is having a negative effect somewhere in our body.
“The real goal of any balance is to identify the bottom line causing the imbalance and to then resolve it.”
Benefits of Kinesiology
There are many areas that a Kinesiologist can help you with:
✔️Learning difficulties
✔️Anxiety, phobias
✔️Postnatal issues
✔️Relationship difficulties
✔️Grief and loss
✔️Anger management
✔️Sleep disorders
✔️Personal development & LifeAddictions
✔️Social isolation
✔️Career and work issues
✔️Conflict management
✔️Weight issues
✔️Nutrition and digestion
✔️Pain management
Benefits of Kinesiology for children
Kinesiology can help children with:
✔️Behavioural difficulties
✔️Reading, Writing, and Maths
✔️Social Isolation
✔️Bed wetting
✔️Sleep disorders
Why consult a registered Kinesiologist?
Most Registered Kinesiologists are a member of the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) Associations are national bodies representing the professional interests of Kinesiology practitioners, as well as the personal interests of students and the public.
Members are also required to abide by principles of professional conduct, responsibilities and confidentiality. These are set and monitored by the Association in its Codes of Ethics, Conduct and Practice, to ensure the level of professionalism expected from any health professional body.
“All medicine does not come in bottles”
“Kinesiology will help you improve Self-Esteem, Wellbeing & Performance in all Areas Of Your Life.”
Kinesiology – A New Healing Science Comes of Age
Initial research began in the U.S. in the 1930’s and was expanded in the 1960’s by chiropractors embracing techniques derived from Chinese medicine using acupressure and meridian systems. Kinesiology combines this knowledge with modern muscle monitoring techniques to balance the person, although, through its dual East-West roots, Kinesiology actually extends back thousands of years.
Kinesiology is able to facilitate the natural healing process.
While manual muscle monitoring appears simple, it is a precise feedback mechanism. The accuracy is based on the neurological and physiological arrangement of the human system that is, at any given moment, processing many pieces of information about its position and state. Although only a fraction of this information comes to conscious awareness, the subconscious mind is always aware of everything going on within and around the person.
This same subconscious mind also stores all our life memories in exquisite detail together with all the emotional feelings, even though we may not consciously be able to recall them.
The body never forgets.
“I don’t know what the practitioner did, but it seemed to work because I definitely feel better”
A Kinesiology treatment is known as ‘a Balance’ during which the client remains fully clothed. After comprehensive history taking the practitioner uses muscle monitoring to address energy imbalances.
Each Kinesiology balance is unique because it is determined by the responses gained from muscle monitoring.
An unlocking muscle test indicates a disturbed energy flow – be it structural, chemical, nutritional, mental, emotional and spiritual. This stress may manifest in the person as some form of disease, an accident, poor nutritional or postural habits, an unresolved argument, personal trauma or crisis, even as a misunderstanding. Stresses can also carry over from any time in the client’s life.
For the client, most issues have been long forgotten because they tend to subside into the subconscious and are only brought back into the conscious mind through the stimulus of a trigger event that in some way matches that past experience.
When the brain is triggered by a similar stress, the body reacts to this stress from the previous event.
This is how individuals become locked into inappropriate behavioural patterns and often find themselves behaving like irrational children, despite the fact that as adults they really want to change their reaction to life’s challenges.
During a Kinesiology balance, people are surprised to find themselves recalling long forgotten incidents. The person however, never forgets because our survival-oriented structure means we hold all memories, particularly memories of negative experiences, somewhere in our system. The subconscious mind projects these experiences into the body, mind and soul, an outcome that gives rise to ‘feelings’. Consider how mental tension is felt as a tight jaw, tensed shoulders and a churning stomach. This is a purely mental event projected by the mind into the body as a physical sensation, such as pain or discomfort.
Kinesiology encompasses a vast array of balancing modalities with most of these emphasizing the power of emotions, particularly unresolved negative emotions.
Muscle monitoring can pinpoint these emotional triggers, and by bringing them back ‘online’, the person is given the chance to re-evaluate the events and the circumstances surrounding it.
In the context of their current life experience, they are then in a position to change their responses and to choose new and more relevant responses.
The choice is the real key to resolving many stresses. Where there is a choice, there is balance and where there is balance, there is also optimal health.
Each Kinesiology balance is different because it honours the person’s own healing potential and the sequence it follows to bring about the remarkable process that is healing. Often it can seem too simple to have such an effective resolution. But as the Chinese sages taught so long ago:
“A miracle is simply that which is divinely natural”
Reference –
Brain Integration / Learning difficulties
Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology or NLK is a unique system developed by Wendy Bennett that works with links to learning and performance and identifies areas of learning difficulty:
✔️Reading comprehension
✔️Memory recall
✔️Creative writing
It uses, meridian therapy, acupressure, body work, stress release, visualisation to facilitate change and improvement.
It improves learning by identifying the area of imbalance and then utilizing brain integration exercises (mental fitness exercises) to correct the imbalance.
These exercises can be done easily and quickly at home or in class.
Designed to enable integration of brain function for easy learning.
NLK school and community presentations and education are available upon request.
Neuro-linguistics is a profound modality used for learning difficulties and behavioural issues in school age children, young people, young and mature adults.
The results are life changing and truly amazing for the child and the parent.
Before coming to the clinic, my 9 year old had trouble spelling even the easiest of words. The letters were continually mixed up. This also led to behavioural issues and low self esteem. Sharyn went through her testing and re-programming of the brain. It was explained as ‘removing the stress around spelling’ After completing the testing and mental fitness excercise process there was an instant, noticeable improvement. My 9 year old and I were so amazed and shocked at how easy the change came about. I just couldn’t
believe the difference. The continual improvement was noticed over the following weeks at school. School work was easier and completed without the daily drama and issues. He was happier within him self and the behavioiural issues reduced as a result of the changes. Thank you so much Sharyn, I have a different child.
What is Neuro-Linguistic Kinesiology?
NLK is a branch of an holistic healing system known as Kinesiology which draws many of its techniques from Chinese Meridian Therapy. Since the development of Kinesiology in the sixties, various forms have developed throughout the world. NLK aims to include aspects commonly used by all Kinesiologists and the approach of another change technique called NLP Neuro-Lingusitic Programming. NLK has been designed to enhance and support all teaching techniques and not to replace them. NLK is a way of improving performance in any area and is supported by an exercise program which can be done at home, at work or in the classroom effective and easily.
The basis of all Kinesiology is a technique called muscle testing which is a binary on or off communication system similar to that of the internal working of a computer. Muscle testing has now been used by chiropractors and Kinesiologists for 30 years. it is a dynamic tool which can be used to gain information from the brain and body. This muscle testing technique can be used to establish whether a situation, activity, memory, food or substance is causing stress to the system. Muscle testing can then be used to establish the most efficient way to alleviate this stress.
As all learning takes place in the brain and both hemispheres are needed for learning to be successful, NLK is designed to enable intergration of brain function. Learning should be fun, not stressful. Sometimes, because of physical, emotional or chemical stress, learning can become stressful and performance is affected.
When under stress it would appear that one of the brain hemispheres will dominate. Poor learning behaviours such as an inability to learn and retain information, concentrate, read and write fluently, comprehend, coordinate, follow instruction, communicate and use the creative imagination can occur.
“Muscle testing is one of the great discoveries of the 20th century and can be used to improve your performance.”
Having emotional stress can be debilitating to your life and daily functioning. Having the feeling of constantly being overwhelmed, strained and upset, is common for many. At our clinic we can provide the tools to combat these feelings. Finding the root or cause of this added emotional stress will allow the unfolding of emotions and ill-feelings to be peeled away. Kinesiology is used for this, and you will be amazed at how “clear” and “light” you feel after releasing much of what has been burdening you. The use of Emotional Stress Relief (ESR) technique is both a very simple and very powerful way to help you feel calm, think clearly and function effectively during times of stress, trauma, overload, accident, pressure from work or relationships, etc.
In times of stress we may react with a ”fight or flight“ or paralysis response. These are usually instinctive or learned behaviors which at some point were effective, but which may not be the most appropriate now. These include uncontrolled anger, fear or reactions based on past experiences which release hormones that change us physically and make us feel stressed. Using ESR we can “unlock” from these reactive reflexes and more easily choose our response based on what we feel is most appropriate and empowering, as the reactive pattern is unfolding.
“When you are at home or work and you are feeling under stress, apply the following technique to aid a change of thought and mood.”
The technique itself is profoundly simple:
Lightly touch the frontal eminences of the forehead with your fingertips (you can also use the whole hand across the forehead). Wait until you feel or sense a light vibration or pulse. The light touch on this reflex point brings increased blood flow to the area and has a harmonizing effect on the energy of the forebrain where new options and ideas are processed. It is here that the brain can be creative and think of new solutions without old emotion being involved. Often a change in mood can be felt in as little as thirty seconds. This is effective both when someone does this for you or when you do it for yourself.
You may very well have instinctively done this in times of stress and may recognize this as a response to stress in others.
If possible, it is best to find a place to do ESR where you feel safe and can relax. This will support the positive results taking effect. ESR can be used to deal with stress associated with Past Trauma and Future Performance as well as stress-related to present issues.