Part2 - The journey - The result

Perfect Health Body & Mind

The journey continues, Homeopathy and BioSET Enzyme Therapy are now offered to clients

The following is an editorial written as a continuation of Part 1. There is never a dull moment when it comes to providing the best possible alternative health care to people.

Over the years, Sharyn’s clinic – Perfect Health Body and Mind (located on the Sunshine Coast QLD – Pomona) with the full support of husband Dan, continues to grow.

Daily, Sharyn comes into contact with clients who sought her out for answers to those illusive health issues. The need to know more and provide deeper answers became evident to Sharyn, bringing about the dawning of a new season.

While maintaining the Natural and Alternative Health field and looking for something to compliment the clinic to assist her clients further, Sharyn packed her laptop and went back to school. Two years on, 18 units of study, a gazillion hours, and many exams later: Sharyn emerged a qualified Homeopath with an Advanced Diploma of Homeopathy, and was honoured with the Academic Achievement Award of Excellence.

The long hours of study and all the effort (blood sweat and tears) has proved totally worthwhile as Sharyn sees daily, the benefits of healing that homeopathy offers.


Danny and Sharyn’s sons are now aged 13 and 8, healthy and flourishing – an amazing testimony to their parents dedication and Sharyn’s expertise in natural and alternative health therapies.

Just when Sharyn thought she was finished with further study, out of the blue a book was placed on her desk. This information was so intriguing and captivating,it led to a new door opening – Introducing BioSET! (Bio-energetic Sensitivity Enzyme Therapy)

Leaving behind husband, sons and clients, so more ways to help them could be learnt, Sharyn travelled to America to learn this new revolutionary desensitisation technique, which reduces the effects of food intolerances and sensitivities, helping all those with health challenges, not just those with food related issues.

Sharyn left the USA as Australia’s first and only Advanced BioSET practitioner. Even though it’s only been a few months since her return from the USA, within this short span of time, Sharyn is already seeing amazing results in people’s quality of life.

The world, information and life is forever changing. Sharyn will always continue to learn and grow as her commitment to clients and their wellbeing.

"Man is not nourished by what he swallows, but by what he digests and uses.”

From little things big things grow. The clinic has changed and grown from a first thought to learn TFH to help the first child, to having two children and resolving all their health issues, food intolerances and more. Now expanding into extra services providing enhanced Kinesiology, Homeopathy, BioSET and a range of complimentry modalities, this clinic addresses all health issues and realishes its own little amazing success story. Clients love Sharyn for the giving person she is and the results that are experienced that just make life a better place. The future it seems is currently settled, but who knows what the future will actually bring about for this family, clinic and clients.